Built by KatieBun 2023
11:52 AM
The CockGoblin
welcome about projects gifs


2023-09-20 01:01:19 - Katie
Guestbooks were a stable of the 90's web, people either loved them or ignored them.
Becoming more rare to see as the 2000's rolled around eventually all but vanishing.
There was something fun and wholesome about coming across a site and leaving a little and usually fairly police comment usually saying you like the site or somethig more stupid like "Katie wuz 'ere"

So taking the comment system for this blog I wrote I made it more generic, added a few new fields and it now also populates my little guestbook.
It's very simple with no replies to others comments... except for me though the backend hehe.

I am gonna to write a seperate blog that goes in to this site in more detail soon.
No Comments
Send me your comments! but make sure you type "i'm a little goblin" in the goblin field so I know you're not a spam-bot or worse, a normie!
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Music Player
Avatar vivienj -


Avatar amby (trans edition) -

of course this was made by a trans girl X3

Avatar john robins guy again -

also my name was supposed to say "john robins not fake i am a famous comedian" but it just says i am a fam. i am not your fam member soz

Avatar john robins (not fake i am a fam -

such a silly website i love it so much. have a nice day wherever u may be x

Avatar xx_s0ckg0bl1n_xx -

bring back bitmaps babyyy :3

Avatar Katie - 2024-04-16 00:44:27

I will add some soon! I have been collecting 90s images :D

Avatar i am not a spam robat -


Avatar amby -

hey cockgoblins

Avatar Felis -


Avatar G0bo -

Hello COCK

Avatar gobby -

im a little goblin raaaa

Avatar Drifter -

Hi there! Good luck and peaceful sky over your head)

Avatar Kittxen -

Ebin great goblin person :3 LMAO

Avatar Leo -

We're hotline webring neighbors! I love your site and it's super inspiring and cool, I just recently picked up this hobby :3

Avatar Med -

We aren't neighbors but I was bored and looking at the hotline webring members 4 funsies and omg I love ur site sm !!!

Avatar Katie - 2023-10-03 02:20:17

Hi Med! Thank you for the lovely comment! I am gonna work hard to make it better and useful! x3

Avatar Xander -

Hello furryring neighbor!

Avatar Katie - 2023-09-20 22:30:38

Hi there! Thank you!

Avatar Redvelvet -

This is the best place for goblin cock

Avatar Kera -

I out nive comment as i was told and as im a good girl

Avatar YeenBoy -

Back in time, LET'S GO!

Avatar Katie - 2023-09-19 02:03:26

Thats the power of love!~

Avatar Katie -

Added a little guestbook just for the front page

Send me your comments! but make sure you type "i'm a little goblin" in the goblin field so I know you're not a spam-bot or worse, a normie!